Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Kaitiakitanga i ngā wā katoa - Respecting our Environment

We have begun this year thinking about how we can be Kaitiaki (Guardians) of our environment by showing respect and keeping our environment clean! As a school, we have begun a rotation where each day, a different team is responsible for ensuring the school is tidy and clean. We have noticed such a difference! There is so much less rubbish and we are able to enjoy and be proud of our beautiful school!

Here are some photos of us being Kaitiaki of our environment! 


  1. Kia ora Room 10,
    Welcome to Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu for 2018. I'm James, and although I don't officially work with Manaiakalani any more, I still really enjoy dropping in to class blogs and sharing in the learning. It's great to see you all being Kaitiaki and taking action to look after our environment. I can't wait to see and read more about what you all end up doing. Have you thought about what to do when all the rubbish is picked up? Did you know that in Japanese schools they do not employ cleaners, the students do all of the cleaning during the school day. How do you think people at PES might feel having to sweep, mop and vacuum?
    Mā te wā

  2. Hi, my name is Andre I am a student in Owairaka District School. I am in Rm 23. Being a tidy kiwi is so important. Are there any other ways to be a tidy kiwi rather than picking up rubbish?
    This is a link to my blog http://odsandreg.blogspot.co.nz/
    Blog you later.

  3. Hello, My name is Sydney and I am in Rm 23 at Owairaka District School. I really like how you guys take care of the environment.I have a question for yous, Do you like protecting the environment of your school? If you would like to visit my lovely blog, go to: http://odssydneyw.blogspot.co.nz/

    Blog ya later:)

  4. Hello, My name is Simon. I am from Pt England School, Room 10! I want to thank you guys for all the support and I wonder if your guys school did anything about respect! If you did link it and I will check at my house!
    By the way this blog post is the part where the whole school did competition on picking rubbish and being tidy kiwi. But the year 4 won, It was exciting to see the results! I want to thank you all for supporting us. Just thank you so much!

  5. Hello, My name is Bradley. I am from point england school, i'm in room 10! Thank-you guys for supporting us and i wonder if you guys done this with your teacher. In this blogpost we did a competition on picking up rubbish. If your team win's that mean's you are a tidy kiwi.
