Tuesday 16 February 2021

Creative Challenge from home #1

 Kia ora Pt Englanders! 

We are back at home but that doesn't mean being creative has to stop! We are going to have a creative challenge!!

There are 2 challenges for today...

Challenge 1: PENN

Create a short video clip of some learning you have been doing at home over the last couple of days and post it on your blog along with a description. Send Miss West an email at hwest@ptengland.school.nz to tell you have done this and for it to appear on the school news, PENN!

Challenge 2: Photo time!

We have started doing photography in creative space this term. Take a photo of a taonga/treasure and share it on your blog along with a description as to why it is a taonga AND why it is a great photo.

You can do this either through the camera on your chromebook or on another device you might have at home (with whānau/ parental permission). Make sure your whānau are happy with you sharing this item on your public blog. Send Miss West an email to let her know you have completed this challenge!

Try to be as creative as possible when taking the photo while remembering the kawa of care and how you treat your device!!

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