Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2021: Dear Covid19...


Covid-19 has stopped us in our tracks but there is a lot to be thankful for. What would you thank Covid-19 for?

Friday, 1 October 2021

Nanogirl and the Year 5 &6 Extension Class

Yesterday, the Year 5 & 6 extension class hosted a very special guest to their google meet - Nanogirl!! She came along to teach us all about our bodies. This helped us with our extension project about how athlete's bodies move. We were joined by a few other children from team 3 and 4 as well.

Nanogirl taught us all about fingerprints.

Nanogirl taught us all about tendons and how they are needed to help us move our fingers.

If you want to explore some of Nanogirl's Science experiments and try some of them at home, check out her website!

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Year 3 Stop Motion Animation

 Here is Levi's Stop Motion Animation he made to show construction of his tower:

Remember to leave Levi a positive comment on his blog!

Year 1 Stop Motion Animation: Aroha

 Aroha made a great Stop Motion Animation today using her iPad. She showed a toy elephant being sucked into the vacuum clearner! Oh no!

Remember to leave Aroha a comment on her blog!

Year 1 Stop Motion Animation: Michael

Wow! Our year 1s have been showing their skills on their iPads by making Stop Motion Animations. Here is Michael's movie about two characters, Bob and Pou, playing soccer. Turn on the sound too as Michael has narrated his movie too!

Remember to leave Michael a positive comment on his blog!

Year 1 Stop Motion Animation: Caylee

Check out this amazing Stop Motion Animation made by Caylee in year 1! Go Caylee!!

Remember to leave Caylee a positive comment on her blog!

Making slides change quicker than every 1 second - To help with Stop Motion Animation on Chromebooks

This blog post is for anyone creating a stop motion animation on your chrome book! If you need to make your slides change quicker than every 1 second, follow these steps when you embed the slides in your blog post:

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Stop Motion Animation: How-to Movie

Are you wanting to give Stop Motion Animation a go but don't know where to start?! Use this movie to get your creativity rolling!

Friday, 17 September 2021

Lockdown Learning: Stop Motion Animation (year 2s and 3s)

This week, some of the year 2s and 3s have started learning how to create Stop Motion Animations from home! We held a google meet to learn how to do it and then they had to use the camera and iMovie on their iPads to make their own!

Here are the first amazing animations that have come through:

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Here's one for all of you iPad users out there!

Do you have an iPad?

Are you feeling like you want to get a bit creative?

Then this blog post is for you!

STOP MOTION - making an animation out of LOTS of photos!

Use these slides to help you get started! 

If you are in Team 2 or Team 3 with an iPad, come along to the google meets with me this week!

Wednesday 2pm - Room 27

Thursday 2pm - Room 24 + any interested people from Room 22 & 23.

There will be more opportunities next week!

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Māori Moment: Create your own Mihi or Pepeha

 For Māōri Language Week in 2021, we are being encouraged to take part in the Māori Moment.

At 12pm today, we are being encouraged to take a moment to do one of the following in Te Reo Māori:

I chose to Kōrero ahau te Reo Māori (to speak Māori) by creating a visual mihi in Scratch. I challenge YOU to create your own visual mihi in scratch too!


Friday, 10 September 2021

Tongan Language Week 2021

This year, Tongan Language Week was celebrated from our homes due to the Covid19 Level 4 Lockdown.

Miss West worked alongside Miss Shaniah and a group of Tongan year 7 & 8 students to create some amazing Tongan resources for us to share on the news and to keep for years to come.

We met online as one of the Team 5 online electives and created this amazing plan together to gather our ideas:

We then went away and the amazing year 7 & 8 children as well as a few of our PES staff, created these resources from home:

Faith-Rose introduces Tongan Language Week for us

Deborah shares about the Teunga Tauolunga


Lesieli shares traditional Tongan Tauolunga dance moves

Vika shares about Ta'ovala

Miss Shaniah shares her knowledge about Tonga and the Tongan Language Week theme

Ms Squires and her kāinga share some Tongan language

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Scratch Lockdown Challenge

 Do you think you are up for a Scratch Lockdown Challenge??

Here are 6 challenges to work through. How many can you complete?

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

PENN: 24 August 2021 (Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown)

Here is the Pt England News Network Episode from Tuesday 24 August 2021, during the Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown.

Team 4: Beats, Songs and Raps made in Garageband

Last term in Creative Space, Team 4 made some awesome beats, songs and raps in Garageband. Have a listen to some of their awesome work!

Monday, 23 August 2021

PENN: 23 August 2021 (Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown)


Here is the Pt England News Network Episode from Monday 23 August 2021, during the Covid-19 Level 4 Lockdown.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Did you know you can work on your scratch projects from home!?

Kia ora Pt England School whānau! Just because we are in a lockdown doesn't mean our learning has to stop. So many of you in teams 3 and 4 have been working on your scratch projects and it would be awesome if you could continue working on these from home! Remember, you can access scratch from ANY device!

If you need help with logging on with your school account, please email me (Miss West) and I'll help you out.

Looking forward to seeing what awesome creating you get up to!

Here are some tips to help you out:

PENN - 18th August - Covid19 Level 4 Lockdown

Some amazing children have put an awesome effort into the first few hours of this latest lockdown so that we can continue to have PENN from home!

Check it out here or on the home page of our school website:

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Experimenting with Makey Makey at Bubble School - March 2021

On Saturday night, we were told we were going into our fourth Covid-19 lockdown for the Auckland region. With this, came our fourth time at bubble school! We are getting very good at this now! 

Today, the year 4-6 children in Bubble School pulled out the Makey Makey kits and had some great fun experimenting! We learned that rubber sport spots are not good conductors and that the metal paint cans hidden behind the whiteboard are!

Check out our movie:

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Creative challenge from home #2

Welcome to day 2 of the Creative Challenge from home!

Here are some of the awesome blog posts I received yesterday. Please leave them a quality blog comment!

Here is today's NEW challenge...

Challenge: Sing us a Song! or Perform a Poem!

Create your own song to explain what it is like to be stuck at home in lockdown.

1. Write some lyrics (the words you will be singing).
2. Come up with a tune (the music you will sing the words to).
3. Record yourself singing your song and post it on your blog.


Create your own poem to explain what it is like to be stuck at home in lockdown. Record yourself performing your poem and post it on your blog.


Remember to share it with Miss West so she can put it on PENN and give you your points for today.


Have fun!!!!

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Creative Challenge from home #1

 Kia ora Pt Englanders! 

We are back at home but that doesn't mean being creative has to stop! We are going to have a creative challenge!!

There are 2 challenges for today...

Challenge 1: PENN

Create a short video clip of some learning you have been doing at home over the last couple of days and post it on your blog along with a description. Send Miss West an email at to tell you have done this and for it to appear on the school news, PENN!

Challenge 2: Photo time!

We have started doing photography in creative space this term. Take a photo of a taonga/treasure and share it on your blog along with a description as to why it is a taonga AND why it is a great photo.

You can do this either through the camera on your chromebook or on another device you might have at home (with whānau/ parental permission). Make sure your whānau are happy with you sharing this item on your public blog. Send Miss West an email to let her know you have completed this challenge!

Try to be as creative as possible when taking the photo while remembering the kawa of care and how you treat your device!!