Friday 3 March 2017

Te Taiao o Tāmaki movie

Today we had our school picnic. During the picnic, a group of students from room 10 interviewed teachers and other students to find out how we can care for our environment and what the environment means to us.


  1. awesome guys. we need to look after the environment so our beaches are safe and clean

  2. wow!!!!point england school that was amazingly great that movie you made was inspiring just a little tip how about taking a bit louder so we can hear your beautiful voice a bit more but still great movie!!!!!! loved it so much keep the good work up

  3. That was amazing Pt England!! i really liked how you guys said those neat questions with other people around the beach. have you thought about who the people are?? maybe next time you could do like the teachers of the school instead of strangers though.

  4. hi my name is Emmanuel and i am from Wesley primary school i just want to say great speeches but also don't forget to visit Wesley primary blog on to Wesley primary school. keep the good work up guys

  5. Hi my name is Brendan and i am from Wesley primary school i also want to say perfect speech everyone.keep up the good work! your video was helpful to me . Don't forget to check out our blog visit Wesley primary school.LOVE THE WORK!!!!!!

  6. Hi there my name is Tufui and I am from Wesley Primary school. I just want to say that was intelligent work you did. Also I really liked your ideas to keep Pt England beach clean and safe. Don't forget to check out our blog.

  7. Kia Ora room ten, my name is Louisa From Ohaeawai Primary school Team Moana. I agree with you that we should keep our estuarys, rivers and seas rubbish free. Remember to be sun smart when you are at the beach. Slip, slop, slap and wrap.
    From Louisa.

  8. Kia ora Room 10,
    I am super impressed with the video you have put together to share how you are all kaitiakitanga of Pt England Beach. You are very lucky to have the Estuary right next to your School. When I come down for hui at Pt England School we like to walk along the Estuary at the end of the day and enjoy the lovely view. I am so glad it is not polluted as it wouldn't be anywhere near as nice if it was. I live in Whangarei and we have lots of beaches near us - luckily they are almost always clean and tidy. Do you ever have beach clean up days at Pt England Beach?

  9. Hello I'm Luke and I come from Ohaeawai Primary School,by the way I love your guys video! I can clearly see that this took a lot of work put into this video,any ways keep up the great work, and check out our blog just search up Bye Bye
